Consistent improvement of symptoms throughout the 2-week treatment period

Reduction from baseline in total symptom severity complex (TSSC)*†1

  • 37% and 40% reduction observed after 2 weeks of treatment in the 10-mg group
  • 63% and 40% reduction observed after 2 weeks of treatment in the 5-mg group

All studies are multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind in children ages 2 to 11 years with previous diagnosis of SAR, and adequate minimum duration (2 weeks).

*TSSC = Total Symptom Severity Complex.

†Adjusted mean change relative to baseline.

Reference: 1. Urdaneta ER, Przygoda PA, Lin CL, et al. Regular use of cetirizine demonstrates consistent relief from symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis in children. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011;127(suppl 2):AB 202.

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